Dear friends from around the world

Dear friends from around the world,


I am very pleased to inform you that in just a few days I will have a book published which narrates some of my own experiences with the Bodnariu Case. The book is in Romanian and its title in English is Goliath’s Defeat: The Bodnariu Family and Romania’s Christians Subdue Secular Norway

It has taken me a while to find the time to write the book. I hope the book will be a blessing to all of you and will give you confidence and faith that when the people of God are of one accord their actions and prayers can bring about great results.

I have written this book to express my gratitude to you, the hundreds of thousands of people around the world who, from November 2015    to June 2016 have stood by the Bodnariu Family in its hour of need, doing what the Scriptures demand „crying with those who cry”. In the end, God turned tears of grief into tears of joy. You were instrumental in this outcome and deserve all the credit. Be encouraged and keep up the good work!

Thank you also for your prayers!

Peter Costea